I am wandering in my thoughts. I was thinking about the marrying in our family. Don and Gloria were the first. Don and Gloria met as Warren and Helen when they would come and visit us from Farmington, they came to see their family. We usually had a dinner together at our house. When Don went on his mission, He and Gloria wrote to each other. On his way home from his mission, he first flew to Farmington, before he got home. From that time, they spent time getting prepared for a wedding. They were married in the Mesa Arizona temple.
They had a reception in Farmington and one in Manassa. It was a lot of fun. Gloria is a wonderful daughter-in-law. I have always appreciated what a special person she is. Don is also a wonderful person. As a small child he was very considerate of me and always spoke kindly to me. They and their family are a wonderful part of my family. I feel that the most important thing in our lives is family and the fact that we will be a family forever.
Don went to work for the phone company Aunt Ruth heard about that job and it was a blessing to them from the start. They lived in an apartment over a store at the beginning.
Marcy, Danette and Cory are our first grandchildren. They are precious to us.
The next wedding was Kent and Phyllis. Kent met her as they were in the army in Colorado Springs. They were married in Manassa in the Relief Society room. They had a reception at our home. They lived in Colorado Springs, where their children were born. Andrea and Robert are a special part of our family.
Divorce is a sad thing and it was hard on everyone. We missed the children for a long time and that was hard. Great blessings are ours because of the children. We love them very much.
Kent was alone in Colorado Springs and after a time he called me and ask me to live with him. I was in Mesa, Arizona. I was working as an ordinance worker in the temple. Because Kent had a job and I didn't have a job. I went to Colorado Springs. That was a good time for Kent and me. We enjoyed the singles program in the church. That is how Kent met Betty. We were like a threesome. When they decided to marry, I went back to Mesa. They were married by a justice of the peace. The wedding wasn't wonderful, but the marraige was a blessing to all of us. How thankful the have Andrea and Robert back and to have Betty. She is such a special person, she is my Kidsey, and is great for our family. I love her and Kent and Andrea and Robert and children. We also gained Brenda and Eddie. Eddie is the first one of our family to go home to Heavenly Father. We miss him. Our family is growing.
Bonnie and Emery were in California. Bonnie was staying with Ina and Henry. Bonnie met Emery at a Singles dance. Emery was not a member, but he went to the dance. He persued the friendship. He was baptized there.
They were married in Lancaster, California. Kent and Phyllis and Robert and Andrea and I drove to California to the wedding. They had a reception in a big hotel in Lancaster. It was very fancy. They also had a Reception in Manassa. They brought roses from California in 5 gallon buckets. The hall was full of roses. It smelled sooo good. I made their wedding cake. It had a fountain.
Bonnie and Emery lived in Torrance, California for a few years. Emery and his brothers owned an apartment complex there and that is where Shandi and Emery J were born. Monica and John Henry were born in Fallbrook, California, where they moved.
I am thankful for Bonnie and Emery and their children Bonnie is a special daughter and I am thankful for Emery. He is so good to me.
Larry and Jeanette are our last children to marry. When Larry returned home from his mission, he decided to go to BYU to school. He met Jeanette there. Larry went to BYU for the Summer term. On Decemer 15th that year, they were married in the Salt Lake Temple.
They had a reception in Murry, Utah and one in Manassa. Both Jeanette's mom and I had chosen to have gingerbread houses as center pieces on the tables. It was christmas time and the halls smelled so good.l
Jeanette's mom and dad came to Colorado for the reception. I said that Jeanette was an answer to my prayers. They said that she must be an answer to someone's prayers. She had been going to college in a small college and had never wanted to go to BYU, but she felt a reason to go to BYU. They said she had considered a mission but decided not to go. I still feel that she was an answer to my prayers. They have worked so hard to raise a righteous family. They have had home evening every monday night of their lives and have done many family things. I know that great blessings are in store for them.
When Larry graduated from BYU with a masters degree in civil engineering they had Arlo, Craig, Brian and Julie. Ainta was born in Texas and Debra and Eric were born in Colorado.
I am very thankful for Jeanette. She is a special lady. I am also thankful for Larry. He has worked so hard to make a good life for him and family. I am thankful for each of the children from this family. They are special to me.
I love my family with all my heart. They are the reason for my happiness. I look forwarde to an eternity with them.