Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Grandma Cora

Today, July 29th, my mom would be one hundred years old. The time has gone fast in a way and slow in another. It has been 64 years since my mom died. It always makes me feel sad that none of you children and grandchildren have never seen her or my dad. They would have been so pleased with all of you. The were good parents and everything was for our good. I feel that I was raised in a home full of love. My dad didn't want to go anywhere without Mom. They were very in love with each other. I look forward to the time when we will all be together again. Today Doris Faye is 70. She and Bert are in Alaska. They will be home tomorrow.


Unknown said...

I ended up with two comments. Oh well.

Larry said...

Both articles are fine, because there is unique information in each.

Bingham family, about 1936