Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Cockroach

The image above is one that Debra created as a consequence of a story that I related about a night in Argentina. I was sleeping when I felt something with claws on it feet crawl across my face. I was startled awake and jumped out of bed to find whatever it was that had just traversed me. I turned on the light and found on the wall a large cockroach. I reached for a shoe to eradicate the little bugger, but before I could muster the pest took to flight and out the window it went. We were sleeping with the windows open to help cool the room during the night.

Don't you think that Debra did an admirable job painting a cockroach?

How would you like to have a cockroach for a pet. Here is Debra showing her bravery when she went with her mother to visit the Butterfly Pavilion in Denver.

These cockroaches were large, I was told.

And demonstrating her outstanding courage is Jeanette when she was so bold as to hold a young Tarantula.

What kind of pet do you have?


Kent said...

Betty and I took our grandkids to the Butterfly Pavilion once and had a very different experience. I had a big red zit on my nose and I guess one of the butterflies thought something was blooming. It landed right on the zit and stayed there for quite a while.

I had my experiences with cock roaches in Mexico too. They are so prevalent there that songs are written about them. Have you ever heard la cucuracha?

Unknown said...

I never saw a cockroach until I was working in the cafe for Doris and Hazel and one came from the store that had probably come in on the boxes of groceries. They didn't live through the winter there so that was not as a rule a problem. We have to spray for them here in St George, or we would be infested with them. No fun. Mom

Larry said...

Here they call cockroaches waterbugs. They thrive here.

When we lived in Provo there was a family that moved out of a house next door. The owners fumigated to eliminate the cockroaches. They migrated to our house. What a mess that was.

Gloria said...

AHHH.. yes I also have had experiences with those nasty black things! We had them in our home in Farmington when I was growing up. I shiver everytime I seem them now and can feel the squish and pop when you step on them! Yuck!!

Kent said...

I had a tribe of cockroaches for room They got into everything.

When I was in Vietnam, I did some paintings with acrylic poster paint. The cockroaches ate it right off of the canvas. I never saw them, but I certainly could see where they had been!!!

Larry said...

Stupid cockroaches!

Kent said...

Pretty smart of them not to show up when I had my shoes in my hand. They would have become part of the picture.

Larry said...

How many cockroaches does it take to change a lightbulb?

Nobody knows, because when the light comes on they all scatter.

Bingham family, about 1936