Saturday, January 24, 2009

A letter to a teacher

Mom has told me that when Uncle Keith was in the military, he would write letters home. There was a teacher that Keith was especially fond of and he decided to write her a letter.

The teacher received the letter from the young soldier and decided that his grammer needed correcting. She marked up his letter and returned it to him.

According to Mom, that kept uncle Keith from ever writing letters again. I think that I would have been crushed as well. I can't help wondering if that teacher ever knew how devasting her criticism of his attempt to communicate with her was.


Larry said...

Communication is such a difficult thing.

It is difficult to know what is really in a person's heart.

Kent said...

I agree. Communication is difficult and we don't know what is in a person's heart. I have a tendency to be overly sensitive, and sometimes what is intended to teach me hurts when no hurt was intended.

When we were teaching, we were taught that we should offer our students "positive sandwiches." That is to say that criticism is delivered between compliments. It's important to point out places that we can grow, but it is also important to point out places where we are doing well.

Unknown said...

Keith had dislexia and spelling was not his thing. I ask him how he managed an office when it was so hard for him. He said he had a secretary.

It is true that communication is often difficult. I'm sure I have offended at times. If I do that to any of you, I am sorry. I love all of you too much to offend.

Kent said...

Robert has battled with dyslexia. It has been a real challenge for him.

Bingham family, about 1936