Saturday, February 21, 2009


If I remember more things of the school years, I'll go back. I was thankful that Don chose to go on a mission, but I pushed too hard and he didn't feel ready. It is good to let children be more responsible for their decisions, as they get old enough. I wish at times I could go back and be a wiser mother.

I mentioned before that Arlo and I were sealed in the Mesa Temple. That was the happiest day of my life. I will forever be thankful for that blessing. Now it is up to all of us to make that eternal. When my mom died my dad said that if there was nothing to the power of the sealing, it would be a great blessing, because of the peace it gives when one is gone on before. I know by the Spirit that those sealings are from our Heavenly Father. It is a great blessing to know that families can be together forever. My prayer is that every member of our family will work toward that blessing, that we may all be prepared for that. I also believe that living the principles of the Gospel, makes for a happy life here and now.

Don came home from his mission and right away was ready to find a wife. I'll forever be thankful for the choice he made. Gloria is a special part of our family. He was married to Gloria Culler in the Mesa Arizona Temple, on the 28th of September 1968. They have been together for many years. They have survived many trials and have grown from them, as all of us do.

It was in natural order that Marcy Lynn was born. Warren and Helen came from Farmington to be with them when the baby came. Don had worked for the phone company ever since he returned from his mission. He was working on a crew that worked out of town some of the time. He was In San Luis, with the person he was working with. Gloria was ready to have the baby and they couldn't find Donnie. They called the hotel here they were staying and they said they had checked out the night before. They called Arlo and me and we drove to San Luis and went to the hotel where they were supposed to be and they told us the same thing, that they had checked out the night before. We didn't know what to do. We drove around town to see if we could find their truck. We gave up and started home, when we saw a car from the phone company and stopped him. He said for us to follow him. He came to see what had happened to his crew. He went to the hotel and demanded to see the room where they had been staying and there they were in the bed. Marcy was born, before Donnie got home, but all was well.

Marcy was our first grandchild, she was born on the 24th of July 1969 in the Alamosa Hospital. She is the first grandchild for Warren and Helen, too. She gave us a good start. It is wonderful, the way a family grows. She is small but mighty. I do love that girl.

When Marcy was old enough for them to take her to Farmington to show her off to Gloria's family, they had a car accident. They hit a bridge abutment and it threw all three of them out of the car. Gloria was thrown a long way and had many cuts and bruises. Don didn't seem to have any serious problems. Marcy was in a car bed. The bed went out with her in it. She got a cut on her finger and that seemed to be all. That was one of the miracles of our family that all of them survived. It destroyed the car that Gloria had worked for. Life goes on. I am thankful for that.



Kent said...

I tried unsuccessfully to find pictures of Don and Gloria's wedding or of Marcy as a baby. If someone else has a photo of them at this time, please add it or email it to me and I'll add it.

I was still in the mission field when this took place.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the picture. I like it when you leave comments. I'll look for a picture of their wedding. They didn't give me any, but I think I have some anyway.

Larry said...

In the second paragraph you make a statement about how your dad had said if the sealing power was nothing. I wonder if you got that backwords, or if I just don't understand.

Unknown said...

He meant that if the church was not true and the sealing was not valid, it would still be a blessing because it brought so much comfort. He said the church is true and the sealing is valid.

Kent said...

When I first read that comment, it baffled me to. I thoutht that's probably what he meant.

Bingham family, about 1936