Wednesday, February 4, 2009


When we moved to the Christenson house, I was still working at hot lunch. I don't remember how long I worked there. Arlo was still working for Boyd. Arlo had an old red pickup, that he drove to work. When it was snowy, and the roads were slick, I tried to drive the monster and it would just jack knife. I didn't know how to drive that pickup when the roads were icy.

We bought a Plymouth coupe that was just right for our family. I don't know what happened to that car. It was a good little car. Later Arlo did some work on the model A and we drove that for quite a while.

We were living there when we bought a T V. Everyone else seemed to have one and the children were going to other homes to watch them so we decided to buy one. Arlo watched it as soon as he got home from work until it went off at night. He really loved to watch television. It did keep the children home, too. The first T V, I ever saw was just after World War II. The programs then were so good. I Love Lucy was so popular that everything seemed to stop when it was on. There were good musical shows and fun things. It has really changed in the last 50 years.

The first time I heard of a recorder, I thought that was strange. Why would anyone want to record things. I surely didn't understand all of the things that came because of that instrument.

I remember times when Bonnie Lynn would go to Nancy's after school or would go back to the garage with Arlo after lunch and one day I tied her to the clothesline with a rope that went the full length of the line. She still tells me about tying her to the clothesline. She didn't go again without permission.

Maggie Weston worked at hot lunch with me. I learned a lot from her. I loved that lady.

While we lived there, Donnie and Kent were in scouting and the ward was taking the Mutual boys to Arizona to the Dam. The boys were all ready to go, but our alarm didn't go off and they were left. I have always felt bad about that.

While we lived there, Barbara was left alone in Denver. Doris Faye and I went to Denver to get her and the children. It was quite an adventure. Barbara's car broke down on the way back home and we left it there and all of us rode in Doris Faye's car to Manassa. Barbara and her children lived with us for a time. We bought the house on 3rd street. where we live for the remainder of the time we lived in Manassa. Barbara lived in our old house for a time, until she moved into the house that Doris Faye and Bill owned.


Kent said...

The hood of that old gray Plymouth was used once for a toboggan. Dad was not happy about it. He told us about how sharp the back of the hood was and how it could have cut something off.

I remember when Barbara and the kids lived with us. That house was packed full. There were nine kids in one bedroom.

Bonnie wasn't the only one to get tied to the clothesline. I remember once when Donnie and I got of in Romeo after we had ridden the school bus to Alamosa for swimming lessons. Donnie was tied to one line and I was tied to the other. We had a ball until Dad got home. Something traumatic must have happened because I can't remember what happened next.

Larry said...

What happened to the house across the street from Maggie Weston?

Unknown said...

Barbara lived in that house until she moved to the house where Doris Faye lived and we sold it.

Bingham family, about 1936